Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2022)                   sjsph 2022, 20(2): 211-222 | Back to browse issues page

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Tabatabaie Ranjbar Y, Alian Samakkhah S, Toorian F. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Food Preparation and Distribution Handlers of Haraz Road Restaurants Regarding Food Safety and Hygiene. sjsph 2022; 20 (2) :211-222
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-6140-en.html
1- MSc. Student, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Amol, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Amol, Iran , s.alian@ausmt.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Amol University of Special Modern Technologies, Amol, Iran
Abstract:   (1088 Views)
Background and Aim: This was a 3-month cross-sectional study conducted from October to December 2021 on 170 people involved in food preparation and distribution in Haraz intercity road restaurants with the aim of measuring their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding food preparation and distribution.
Materials and Methods: The data collection tool was a questionnaire with two sections, that is, a researcher-made demographic questionnaire (age, gender, level of education, type of job in a restaurant, work experience, place of residence and history of attending training courses), and a section with questions about knowledge, attitude, and practice assessment based on the World Health Organization standards.
Results: Analysis of the data showed that 97.1%, 100% and 100% of the people had a good level of knowledge, a positive attitude and good practice, respectively. In addition, there were statistically significant relationships between knowledge and age, educational level and participation in educational courses.
Conclusion: The 25- to 40-year age group, people with university education and those with experience in participating in training courses were found to have the highest level of knowledge. The level of knowledge in key number four (keeping food at a safe temperature) and attitude and practice in key number 3 (full cooking) had the lowest averages. Also, considering that 82.4% of the people had not participated in any training courses, the need to hold appropriate training courses for them by the relevant agencies and motivate them to increase their knowledge and, subsequently, increase and improve their attitudes and practice can improve the situation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2023/01/9 | Accepted: 2022/09/22 | Published: 2022/09/22

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