Volume 1, Issue 1 (6 2003)                   sjsph 2003, 1(1): 17-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Holakoui Naieni K, Sadeghipour Rodsary H, pishva H, Panahandeh Z, assasi P. MONITORING GROWTH IN CHILDREN AGED UP TO 5 YEARS IN ISLAMSHAHR , REY AND QOM. sjsph 2003; 1 (1) :17-27
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-303-en.html
Abstract:   (9894 Views)
This is a descriptive and analytic study of growth and nutrition indices in 1624 children under 5 years of age who received servicesfromPHCcentersknownasHealthHouses) in Islamshahr, Qom and Rey catchment areas.We used data from family health files to construct standardized Z-scores for the following indices: weight for age,heightfor age, and weight for height Analysis of data showed that : some 5.4 percent of children were underweight (1.6% , 4.4% , 6.6% in Islamshahr, ReyandQomerespectively). Overall, 24.4 percent were suffering from low height for age (stunting) (11.5% , 19.1% , 28.6% in Islamshahr, Rey and Qom respectively) and 4.45 percent of children had low weight for height (wasting) 6.3% , 2.2% , 5% in Islamshahr, Rey and Qom).There was a statistically significant relationship between low weight and :a) higher birth order (p= 0.009).b) the presence of frequent plateaus (0.003) and downslopes (p=0.01) on the child's growthchart (p=0.01). In Qom, there was also a significantly greater risk of low weight for children with longer nursing periods (p= 0.0005) and those who spent more time on exclusive breastfeeding (p= 0.005).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Published: 2013/07/16

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