Abstract: (12486 Views)
Nitrate compounds as the last part of oxidation of nitrogen compounds, which may causemethaemoglobinaemia in infants.Nitrosamines are derivatives of both nitrites and nitrates and are often used as indicatorsof water pollution, largely because of concerns about their carcinogenic potential.With regard to the role of industrial waste (containing nitrates and nitrites) in the pollutionof ground water, in winter 1998 one hundred sites were selected for sampling andmeasurements of Nitrite & Nitrate content among 300 large industrial - complexeslocated in the outskirts of Tehran (Tehran-Karaj Urban Zone). The findings showed thatthe mean Nitrate concentration in the aquifers studied was 51.96 mg/1, with maximumvalues of 85.49 mg/1 and a minimum of 5.9 mg/1.The mean nitrite level was 16.18 mg/1, ranging from 0.29 mg/1 to 314,22 mg/1.According to these findings, both Nitrite & Nitrate levels were above WHO-specifiedlimits and the safety standards established by national guidelines.
Statistical analysis showed a negative correlation between Nitrite concentrations anddepth of the aquifer (P-value = 0.034, R = 0.44), ie, with increasing depth there werelower nitrate levels.There was no relationship between nitrate concentrations and the distance of water wellsfrom the sites of wastewater discharge.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Published: 2013/07/16