Ghasi - Khansari M, Khaksar M, Ebrahym Zadeh Mosave S, Cheraghali A, Hashemje Javade S. DETERMINATION OF MIGRATION OF POLYSTYRENE (PS) FROM GPPS (GENERAL PURPOSE POLYSTYRENE) CUPS TO HOT DRINKS. sjsph 2005; 3 (3) :9-18
Abstract: (9036 Views)
Polystyrene plastic material is a part of important packaging materials that is widely used. In recent decades, It is excessively applied in manufacturing of disposable drinking containers. Temprature is an important factor in determination the stability styrene monomer. The migration of styrene monomer in to hot drinks may cause chronic toxic effect in nervous system, liver and other organ of body.
In this study, 51 samples of hot water (100oC) Standing for 60 min were used. Then extraction and distilation of samples were down. thereafter, 50 μlit of preprated sample were injected into HPLC (high performance liquid chromatogarphy) for determination of styrene monomer.The response of the detection system is linear for styrene monomer from 0/25 to 5 ng/ml.This method offer a quick, Sensitive and reliable procedure for specifically for determining of styrene monomer.For the reproducibility of method performed studies of within-day and day to day from independently prepared sample by spiking blank with amount of analyte.The results of the recovery study for styrene monomer were mean 94/58%(range 94/31-95/23%) . The limit detection of 0.001 mg/kg (1ppb). The mean contant of styrene monomer was 7/61±0/1 ng/kg (range 7/07 - 9/56).
The concentration of styrene monomer in this study was above the EPA recommended levels. More study are needed to further elucidate this finding.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Published: 2013/08/12