Volume 17, Issue 1 (6-2019)                   sjsph 2019, 17(1): 29-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Naderi A, Fattahi S, Azami S. Valuing Reduction of Risk of Mortality Due to Traffic Accidents. sjsph 2019; 17 (1) :29-46
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5733-en.html
1- Ph.D. Student, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
2- Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran , sh_fatahi@yahoo.com
3- Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Abstract:   (2603 Views)
Background and Aim: The trade-off between monetary wealth and fatal safety risks is explained by the value of statistical life, an efficient tool widely used to evaluate projects and allocate appropriate resources for road safety. The objective of this study was to estimate the statistical significance of life in order to improve road safety in the city of Ardabil, Iran.
Materials and Methods: Data were collected, in 2017, using a questionnaire for interviewing 300 drivers traveling daily in the city and analyzed using the stated choice method and the mixed logit model. First the purpose of the interview was explained to the drivers and, after they agreed to collaborate, the interviews were conducted. The authors pledged to keep the information confidential.
Results: The statistical value of life and of the injury for road safety improvement were estimated to be 1,077,551,000 and 1,178,570 Iranian Rials, respectively. The richer people, older people and those with university education were more willing to pay for road safety improvements.
Conclusion: One of the strategies for economic investment in improving road safety can be conducting collaborative research projects with other institutions, as well as using the experiences of countries successful in this field. In addition, road safety improvement projects can, in order to absorb capital, target richer people.                                                       
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2019/06/17 | Accepted: 2019/06/17 | Published: 2019/06/17

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