Volume 5, Issue 4 (5 2008)                   sjsph 2008, 5(4): 63-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Nabizadeh R, Naddafi K, Mohebbi M, Yonesian M, Mirsepasi A, Oktaie S et al . Evaluating the Microbial Content of the Drinking Water in Rural Areas of Tehran Province. sjsph 2008; 5 (4) :63-73
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-161-en.html
Abstract:   (10417 Views)

Background and Aim: The scattered state of the rural populations- in terms of both the distance between villages and the distance between residential units within a single village- has made the task of supply, distribution and monitoring the quality of water a difficult one. In this study we looked at the bacteriological quality as well as access to safe potable water in selected villages of Tehran Province. This research started in February 2006 and ended in July the same year.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional field study, sampling points were specified on the basis of the populations of the villages served by the Tehran Rural Water and Wastewater Company. After systematic sampling, the specimens were transferred to the laboratory for testing. Data were analyzed using the SPSS and Microsoft Excel software packages.

Results: Drinking water contamination with E. coli was observed in 5.99% of the villages. The degree of contamination was highest in the districts of Pakdasht, Savojblagh and Damavand, with rates of 33.34, 13.69 and 13.32 percent respectively. For 99.36% of the Tehran rural population the turbidity was lower than the standard value of 1053 set by the Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research. Values in Savojblagh and Varamin were relatively higher, with rates of 96.51% and 99.30% respectively. Given the standard value of 1053, the residual chlorine levels were unacceptably low for 92.39% of the rural residents, with figures in the districts of Pakdasht, Damavand and Robatkarim reaching 75.67, 85.45 and 83.98 percent respectively.

Conclusion: Based on WHO guidelines concerning the microbial quality of water published in 2006, the average indicator for lack of E.coli in rural water of Tehran was 94.01%, i.e. at an excellent level. Levels were good for Damavand and Savojblagh, low in Pakdasht and excellent in all other districts.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2007/05/13 | Accepted: 2008/03/6 | Published: 2013/10/13

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